Design is Swag (Here's why)

whoaaa, there's text here? trippy

Hey there! I’m Rachel, and here’s some cool design facts about me!

  • I love getting to make things every day!
  • My design aesthetic is super colorful and playful.
  • I'm inspired by video games, toys, art pieces, books/comics, clothing/accessories, and more.

Contrary to the haters, I LOVE Comic Sans. I also have wayyy too many fonts saved to my computer.

I don't have an early design memory. I know that I always enjoyed art class because we got to make different kinds of art.

Generally speaking, I’ve always loved making things out of whatever material I could get my hands on. That’s never changed.

Whoa! Interaction Design?

I’d define interaction design as a created experience. It’s something that leads users through a space, both physical and digital, with some kind of goal in mind.
Print product design involves using design skills for a static object. You can make it 3D in some ways and engineer a sort of experience, but it’s not ideal for super dynamic projects.
Digital products may be more complex and could be more game-like in a sense, with a bigger emphasis on user experience. There’s an added layer of functionality that allows you to create movement that is otherwise near-impossible in print.
The last time I saw a surprising digital design was probably the “Welcome Home” ARG. It’s a website with a story that’s still being worked out, and there’s a ton of hidden easter eggs.

It forces the user to navigate throughout the pages to find codes and such to discover more of the story. I think getting to work on a project like that would be super cool!
Behold, my dog!!

Rapid Fire Facts:

3 things I saw today:
  • My dog
  • Greek pottery
  • A lot of code (like, a LOT)

I'm into anything Marvel, DC, or gaming. I also love fantasy and science fiction.

Despite the limited color palette on this site, I love using tons of vibrant colors in my work. The more whimsical, the better.

I love pulling references from all sorts of media. Doesn't matter if it's fiction, history, or a fun fact. I'll probably find a way to include it ;)
If I had a pizza parlor, it would be called "Salami Mommy Pizza", after my mom's award-winning thin crust pizza. (Trust me, it's that good)